On the receipt of a complaint, the Compliance Officer of the Firm shall acknowledge the complaint in writing. The acknowledgement of the receipt of the complaint shall be sent by the Compliance Officer within 5 working days of the receipt of the complaint. Along with an acknowledgement the Compliance Officer shall:
After acknowledgement of the complaint, the Compliance Officer will consider the subject matter of the complaint and shall forward it to the Chief Financial Officer (who shall also discharge the function of the Complaints Officer) with a recommendation of an employee to handle the complaint resolution. In the event the CFO was involved in the provision of the service about which the complaint has been made, the Compliance Officer shall direct another employee to investigate the complaint. In all cases, the relevant employee shall:
If the relevant employee expects the resolution of the complaint to take longer than 7 days, he/she will update the complainant weekly on the progress of the complaint.
Upon conclusion of the investigation of the complaint, the platform will:
If the complainant is not satisfied with the terms of the compensation, the Compliance Officer shall inform the complainant of an alternate avenue (and their contact details) for resolution of the complaint.
The platform will maintain records of all complaints made against it for a period of six years. The records will contain the name of the complainant, the substance of the complaint and the Firm’s response and/or action taken by the Firm.